Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Well here I sit, nearly 5 p.m. and I've accomplished next to nothing on my psychology homework. Plus, I have a midterm tomorrow! Good for me. I don't know why I do this to myself. I know I'm a vicious procrastinator, I've been one for years, and I never feel good about it, yet i can't seem to stop it from happening. I've taken a quiz, but I still have to write a 2-3 page paper on a case study I "performed," (i.e. spied on my neighbors and relating their behavior to psychology), finish a journal entry on two NPR segments I listened to, read a chapter, and study for the midterm. It's not like this stuff is hard or boring. In fact, I find psychology very interesting. So there is really no obvious reason why I do this. Pure laziness is my guess. Something I'm not proud of, but not sure how to cure.

I've been thinking today (and this past week) about quitting smoking. I've tried before and failed; although, failed is a weird term to use. I don't feel like a failure for not being able to do it. I just know that for whatever reason, I wasn't in a good place to quit right then. I think I turn to smoking so easily because if I didn't smoke, I would eat. Something I've battled with for a long time (ha! see, something you maybe didn't know about me! aren't blogs fun?). But I also haven't been feeling great lately, coughing a lot and such, and I'm thinking maybe it's time to try again. Not sure yet though. We'll see.

I seem to be quite indecisive about a lot of things.

I had a nice chat the other day with a friend I've made since coming to Kirksville, someone I consider to be an older sibling of sorts. We talked a lot about relationships and such. Perhaps that's why I'm procrastinating so much; I guess I've got a lot on my mind. About relationships. Not even necessarily my own relationship; I feel that particular aspect of my life is going great. Although I do get paranoid and worry for no reason, something that fella of mine is particularly fantastic at dealing with. I'm referring more to friends, people in general. My parents. And ah, my sister. My dear sister, the friend I've had for the longest duration of time in my life. I'm excited for her, and I know she's excited to. But I'm scared shitless at the same time. I know I have a hard enough time dealing with Oscar when there are other things on my mind (i.e. schoolwork). I can't imagine dealing with a baby.

Alright, "dealing with" sounds harsh. I don't mean for that to sound harsh. But hopefully you know what I mean.

Hoepfully, she is much more mature than I am. I'm sure she is. I pretend to be the more mature one, but I also pretend to be good at a lot of things I'm not very good at. Hopefully this will be the experience she's hoping for, and not the antithesis (I think I used that right).

As for the guy...I've only met him a few times, and he seems like a great guy. Given his background, I assume he'll pull through. And my sister does love him. But just to keep along with my natural paranoia and suspicions, I'm keeping my guard up. And I'm a lot more protective of my sister than I tend to show.

Inner thought to self: You should try for a happier note, Debbie Downer!

Andy is coming to visit tonight! Yay! And Sam and Roxxy get back in town. Yay! Although, I must say it's been really nice just hanging out with Dixie at home. Quite relaxing and fun. We had one night where I made guacamole and she made sweet tea and we watched The Graduate, and it was highly enjoyable. She's great. I know her the least of my roommates, but I'm hoping we can be friends.

I don't really have much else to write about, I suppose. I'm getting a bit hungry and need to get this stuff done so I can not be a party pooper tonight and actually socialize instead of hiding in my room with my homework.

Dreaming of not getting hired, s.o.s., and him lately. Sleeping too often makes me lazy.

Can't find a good way to end this. Hence, ineloquence! RHYMES!

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